Are you hiring or developing Coding Talent? Sign up here!
Ideal for CTOs, CHROs, Talent Acquisition Professionals and Learning and Development Professionals
Not just a candidate screening tool, Litcoder is your ally in informed hiring and team skilling to meet industry relevant code quality standards.
Navigate admin dashboards specifically designed for Learning & Development and Talent Acquisition Teams.
Choose from our finely crafted question libraries or create your own for assessments and screening.
Track code quality and accuracy skills over time to ensure insightful hiring and development decisions.
Get in touch for any query!

Labs are a valuable tool for candidates to practice and enhance their skills, making them ideal for skill development and learning. On the other hand, contests are designed for evaluating and assessing candidates, often within a set time limit. We recommend utilizing labs to encourage skill enhancement and learning, while contests provide a structured, time-bound evaluation for assessing candidates' abilities effectively.

The platform offers complete flexibility in this regard depending on your subscription plan & its terms and conditions. If you have specific customization requirements for Labs and Contests, please get in touch with our Growth & Advisory Team at

Certainly, depending on your subscription plan & its terms and conditions. You have the option to add your own questions in the languages utilized on the platform. If you have specific requirements, please get in touch with our Growth & Advisory Team at

If you require questions in a language that is not currently offered, we are open to future considerations for inclusion. Feel free to initiate a discussion by reaching out to us at

Here at Litcoder, we specialize in understanding what truly sets a candidate apart. It's not just about coding for functionality; it's about writing code that holds value and impact. We measure code quality in a comprehensive manner, going beyond mere proficiency and accuracy. Our evaluation focuses on the craftsmanship of code, assessing its meaningfulness and effectiveness in real-world applications. This approach provides unique insights into a candidate's capabilities and potential contribution in solving given issues.

The credit system works on your current subscription plan & its terms and conditions. Please contact the Growth & Advisory Team at for details pertaining to your account.

At the moment we do not have this facility. Please contact the Growth & Advisory Team at for any further discussions.

If you're facing challenges while setting up labs or contests, please reach out to your dedicated member of the Growth & Advisory (GA) team. Alternatively, you can contact us by writing to

If you are unable to view your candidates on the dashboard, kindly get in touch with your dedicated member of the Growth & Advisory (GA) team. Alternatively, you can contact us by writing to

If you come across any technical issues, please reach out to our dedicated Growth & Advisory (GA) team. Alternatively, you can contact us by writing to

Upon raising a technical issue, you can anticipate a response and resolution within 24-48 hours.

We have both customized as well as the standard reports available.

For tailored support and assistance in interpreting the reports, you have a dedicated member from our Growth & Advisory (GA) team. Feel free to connect with them directly for the help you need. If you don't have a designated GA team member or for general inquiries, please reach out to us at

To view candidate scores and written code, navigate to the dashboard section upon logging in to the platform. For further assistance and guidance on interpretation, reach out to your dedicated member of the Growth & Advisory (GA) team. If you need general support, feel free to contact us at